
Feed your Brain

Feed your Brain
Feed your Brain

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Developing your Sixth Sense

Developing the 6th sense is the process of enhancing or bringing forward your awareness and psychic ability. 
6th sense – sacred energy – cosmic state of inner knowing. 
We seek the 6th sense to make a connection with inner self and eternal life within. The process of unlocking the 6th sense is sacred and special. 
There are levels of awareness and acuteness of 6th sense. Philosopher Gergeof – used The Sleeping Man- term to describe the consciousness of bushwa mundane life. One is required to exercise the force of will in order to wake oneself up in this lifetime. Example, take subway, trolley off to work, rush home, time has flown by, a week, a month, or years without you really being aware. In the sleep- state time flies. 
Conversely in the spiritually aware 6th sense time slows down and reality gets thicker, richer, aware of more, time frame is broader, more expansive. 
Developing the 6th sense takes discipline and dedication. It can be used to:
Wake up courage and discipline
Follow through to enliven consciousness
Increase your state of awareness
Enhance your higher metaphysical ability
Enhance spirituality
And give you a more profound sense of self (that’s the reason for the journey in this lifetime). 
Example: In a relationship you may start to become aware of subtle or subliminal info that flows from you towards others, as well as energy and emotion that flow from others to you. You realize you can pick up on what others are thinking. You become more aware, relationships improve. You then attract a higher quality of person. 
Use the same awareness in financial matters and business. Perceptions will carry you to where financial opportunities lie, but they help you to avoid financial losses. 
In developing increased awareness, you get more in touch with your relationships, your finances, and your creative expression. As you become more aware, more at peace, you develop more confidence, which automatically brings out your skills. 
Logic, science, medicine, research – scientists use 6th sense to these to work out formulas and ideas we all use it. The 6th perception is the ability to imagine and intuit new ideas from old ones. 
Example: you are writing a piece of music and plunk, plunk along with a few notes and think, “That sounds like it might have commercial appeal.” At that point you don’t know it’s going to sell 11 million copies. Its intuitive guesses but you put it down on music sheet because it feels right. Everything has energy. 
You pick up energy by subtle senses. You meet a man/woman who might be opposite of what your intellect thought you would be attracted to. Tall skinny, with big nose and you were expecting someone average height, perfectly shaped. They may not be the same culture, nationality, religion you were expecting, but there is something about them – it’s a feeling, they’ve got energy, you know. Suddenly there is your special mate in this lifetime. 
The sacred journey operates outside the world of intellect. Part of the brain function has to come to you – fleeting impressions, thoughts and feelings. 
The nature of evolution has changed. Inner knowing doesn’t come to use easily anymore because we moved out of tribal natural state into the intellectual state. In the olden days people aligned to the elements. Just as birds know there is going to be an earthquake, because they feel the electromagnetic changes, they can feel subtle shifts of energy as pressure drops, etc. In olden days people used the same inner knowing. They listened to what nature had to say to them and keep self-safe. Once we developed knowledge of science, the inner knowing atrophied and died because it wasn’t so important. 
The first step in the process in taking you back to your spirituality is getting you in touch with your nature self. It’s important to remember you are the wind, the fire of the sun, the water, and life force in animals. 
Visualize the current seasons and move your mind through the seasons that will follow. Tell yourself to be aligned to subtle shift that takes place as the sun moves from north to south and back again. As you align to the seasons, be aware of your position on the planet and its position among the stars and think of the earth at your feet. Feel grounded and think about the star above you and our position in the solar system. Embracing the mature self is the nature of placing yourself geographically in the finite body on mother earth, while developing your consciousness in an infinite dimension. So as you first discipline yourself daily. Affirmation: I am the wind the fire the earth and the water. I am the etheric, I am aligned to the natural laws and all the info they contain. 
The second step towards 6th sense: Train yourself to notice things. By forcing the mind to notice things, you engage it. You’re telling it that you want to be aware of life, that you activate the five senses and stimulate perception and reactive your main sense- that of subtle feeling. 
Small details are important. How many power points are in your room, how many lights? Are all the lights working? If in the bathroom, count the tiles so you know. 132 white tiles in the bathroom and two are cracked. 
Think about a street you go down regularly. Write down everything you can remember about it. Chances are you’ll find you can’t remember very much, and the pizza shop you thought was on the corner is actually 2 shops down. Then go to the street and fill in the missing bits. What do the traffic signs say? How long is the street? What parking regulations are enforced?  Write down a detailed description of what you see. Wait a few days and have a friend test you on how much you remembered. Let your mind know you’re not going to let it off the hook until you can remember everything. 
Take a pack of cards and turn over three of them. As fast as you can flip your hand over and let the cards make a mental picture in your mind. Pause and turn over three more, then three more again. Run through 3 sets of 3 so 9 cards in total. Now go back to the mental picture. What were the cards? The 2nd set? then the 3rd
There is subtle difference between reality as it is in the real world and the picture of reality that reflected light sense back to your mind. Reality changes, but the pictures stay. It’s a matter of telling your mind to hold onto the pictures. 
Quality of Consciousness: If you lived 80 years – slept 1/3rd   you’re left with 56 years in waking state. If you only notice 25% of life your 56 years come down to real life span of 14 years in relation to 80 you are alive. Much of the 14 years you will be mentally talking to yourself and much of your life will be spent doing ordinary things like laundry, mopping the floor, hauling the kids to school so in the end it might come down to 6-8 years of quality conscious, awake valuable action. 
Copious thinking is a desire of the ego. It is the escape mechanism so they can avoid real life. 
The 6th sense is divided up into main categories and several sub categories:
Intuitive, psychic, all knowing, sensuality of the 6th sense, vision and auditory 6th sense. 
Mental Preening: People spend their lives mentally preening themselves and so they can’t properly hear or perceive and when others talk they don’t listen for they are constantly listening to the chatter in their own head. An obsession with self-collapses your universe down to a small place where you’re focused on just the self and the outpourings of fear and discontentment. When the mind chatters to you say, “I don’t need to think about that now. I will deal with that later. I am serene and silent.” Alternately say, “I don’t accept that energy. I am serene and silent: then take a moment to focus on something outside of you. Info flows towards you rather than past you. 
*In the next 24 hours every time your mind starts to talk to you and if the dialogue starts with, “I” occupy your mind with the act of noticing something. 
Developing the five senses is the fastest and easiest way of opening yourself to the 6thsense
Sight: Take a notebook with you as you go through your day. Make a note of things that you see – It doesn’t matter if it’s unusual or not. In writing a journal of what you see, you take the mind further away from itself and you make being here now in the moment important, and you also affirm that all information is valuable to you and you’re prepared to make the effort to gather even the most innocuous information. By disempowering the ego, you are liberating yourself and empowering yourself to dream a big dream and stretch beyond to greater possibilities. 
Do this: wait for a starry night. Start by finding all of the main constellations. There are 88 constellations recognized by astronomers. Learning the stars is a spiritual exercise. It gives you a whole bunch of new friends and it enlarges you and it gives you geography. You place yourself beyond the ego’s myopic world. 
If you want directions in life, start working out where you are right now and make a mental note during the day. Ask, “Where am I? How far from where? How close to what? Facing north, south…. Do I have my head tucked under my arm or do I know where I am going? Knowing where you are going is an affirmation: “I am not helpless and lost and self-obsessed. I know where I am and I’m moving forward from here in a northward direction, 17 miles from downtown and I stand in an eternal stance in a galactic place. 
Sense of hearing: Comprehension. Generally our minds block out most incoming sounds: traffic, kids screaming, and radio. However, if you change that and demand the mind listen carefully so you’ll learn to search for noises, you’ll then ask what it means and you’ll learn and listen. 
Disciplining the mind to hear external sounds, prepares it to focus internally and listen to subtle inner messages as well as listening to world outside. “I will listen to the world around me and in the act of noticing its sounds. I will become more aware of the subtle prompting of my heart. I will hear the voices of spirit within me and affirm by the action that I am prepared to listen the prompting of the spirit.” 
Deafness is the inability of a man/woman to hear their heart. Say this as an affirmation that you listen to your heart. 
Exercise: Place your finger on your pulse several times per day and as you hear your heart beating, pause to think about the spaces between the beats. Focus your concentration upon them. The pauses are what death sounds like. Now concentrate on the beat and that’s what life sounds like. As you test the pulse, tell your heart that you’re prepared to listen and act on its subtle prompting. 
Exercise #2: Sit on a park bench, close your eyes and relax. Start by listening to what’s going on around you – conversations, life, its annoyances, its liveliness, and its grand emotion. Begin stretching your hearing beyond what is normally audible. Visualize yourself with huge ultra-sensitive elephant ears. Imagine them on a rotational mount so you can turn your big ears 360 degrees in every direction. Tell yourself your hearing has become super directional. You can now move your ears and search for sounds. Focus on a faint sound in a distance, and then ask your mind’s auditory capacity to bring the sound close to you. Mentally desire the sound to come nearer. Pull it to you. It will get louder. It doesn’t matter if you can’t hear. 
Cup one hand behind one ear and take hand and cup in front of the opposite ear. That way you heighten your hearing frontward with one ear and backwards with the other. 
Exercise #3: Pick a piece of music you know well. Listen to it sitting in a chair, blanking your mind and going through and picturing each and every instrument. Try to hear it all including the feelings the composer is trying to put across. 
Exercise #4: When in a face-to-face conversation, focus your eyes on the tip of their nose. Concentrate on it and listen to every word they say. Don’t let your mind wander. Listen to the silence between the words, the size the poignant pauses, the inflection of their voice as it rises and falls. From time to time move your concentration from the tip of nose to without moving your eyes. Watch their pupils and see how they open and shut slightly as they talk. Search for the subtle feelings. Most of what people say is in their feelings. Listening is an affirmation. 
The Sense of Touch: We impact physical reality with our spiritual, metaphysical identity, our subtle energy and with emotions and feelings. 
Theory: Sound striking a physical object leaves an impact or memory of that impact at a sub atomic level. So hypothetically you could strip off a sliver of the wall in front room and there would be a record of everything you ever said and every TV show ever watched. 
How to expand sensitivity via touch: One way is to be more aware of the textural nature of life, embracing its softness and sensuality. 
Exercise: Pick an evening when you know you will be home alone. Blindfold yourself and spend three hours with the blindfold on. At first, frustration may occur but as your confidence grows you’ll be able to feel your way along. You’ll know where things are- especially living things like plants and pets. 
Variation: Take men to the edge of a wood, blindfold, and make them walk through the wood, feeling their way along. Each man is given two eggs to carry, which they are not allowed to break. The eggs signify his responsibilities in life, his job, children, family and so on. For the first 5-10 minutes the men will whack their heads on things often falling over. Eventually they find if they retire their thinking and engage their feelings, they will know where the trees are and can walk through the wood at almost a normal pace. In past experiments the men had to follow a drumbeat and if the drummer wasn’t paying attention, the men would catch up and the drummer would have to duck away quickly.
Do this activity with a friend. 
With your eyes shut, try to feel people as they are passing by, not just presence, but the overall feeling or energy they emit. You will notice air pressure changes; slight temperature shifts, and trains yourself to feel energy. Try to predict when it will rain as the pressure change is very noticeable. Reading people’s emotions isn’t much different than reading air pressure. For example, you can feel the residue of the antagonism in a room where people have had an argument. You can feel it in the empty room. 
The Sense of Smell: Invest in essential oils, smell each one and identify each flower or scent and mix them. Start to engage your sense of smell at the food counter in supermarket, on the train going home from work, and in the restaurant at lunch. Try to notice all smells permeating the air. Let your mind know you want to be aware. 
The Sense of Taste: Buy a pack of raisins and put one in the palm of your hand. Look at it for a few minutes, turning it over and noting its size, shape, and color. Notice where the dimples are etc. After concentrating for a while, place it in your mouth and move it around and taste it feel it, and chew on it ever so slowly. As you chew imagine the sun shining in some place where the raisin grew. See how the light filtered into the grape and how it made it into your own personal, sugary sweet, very special raisin. Eat it in slow motion. You will discover the raisin becomes the most delicious, most wonderful raisin you’ve ever tasted. Why: Because you have heightened your sense of it to become aware, rather than eating in a sleep state of mechanical state of man, you’ve eaten it as an aware person: aware of the gift of sunshine that’s trapped inside the raison – the life force. The sun is an external manifestation of the God force. 
Concentration is a form of love. When you fall in love, you are concentrating on one particular person and you make them special because you love them. As you concentrate, you are performing the act of love. By loving, you raise the consciousness and become more spiritually aware. You reconnect to inner knowing and 6th sense. 
Wake up to the world stepping away from egocentric nature that is poised inside its own minute reality and become aware of energy around you. Ask: What’s happening here at a subtle level? What smells or tastes are there? What can I hear and feel? What is the subtle energy; the message? Instantly the universe responds. If you want to see it’s there; if you want to feel it’s there. 
In order to understand life in its subtle complexity we need to gradually melt the gap between your mind and what the outer reality of life that you perceive to be a distance from you. 
We train ourselves to melt that gap so that all of life becomes an internal/external symbol of self. So things aren’t just happening out there inconsequentially. It all has meaning. Once you melt the boundary between the inner you and the external you, what you see and experience is in effect an outer representation of that inner most you. And often that inner self is talking to you. 
The symbols you see in life reflect who you are. Though you may not understand them at first, as they are complex, to melt the barrier and understand the symbols, it is best to start with learning about these symbols you access via dreams. If one starts to talk about dreams in a lecture, most people start to fall asleep quite quickly. 
Being able to correctly analyze your dreams is the first step towards a greater understanding, and it teaches you to melt the distance between you and the outside world. It also shows you how to understand life’s symbols and coincidences. 
Remembering dreams teaches you to unravel the language of the subconscious mind. Some comes from dreams, but most of the really good stuff comes to you via meditation and vision. 
Notebook: Write down any dreams you have during the night. If you don’t think you dream much, set your alarm to wake you up several times a night. 
Write down any visions or sensations that come to you during your dreams or meditations. 
By writing down your dreams you are telling your inner you that you want to access its world. You want to talk to the subconscious and discover its esoteric symbology. 
In traveling through the mysterious world of the subconscious mind, you access the superconsciousness of the world mind. – the collective unconsciousness and the all knowing. Traveling inward – you say you want to become conscious of what I am. The total me; the unknowable past; the five senses and beyond. 
Each of these senses builds on the other dreams, meditations, symbols, discipline, quiet time, developing the five senses. They help you develop a 2-way dialogue between the subconscious rather than one way dialogue with ego. 
Read the book: Man With his Symbols by Yung. It discusses the subconscious archetypes, the shadow within and the various components of our psychological makeup as well as the complexity of the personality and so forth. 
How do we get to a higher communication? Understand that there is no gap between the inner thoughts and outer reality. 
Exercise: From time to time see an image of yourself out in front of you at a distance of 20 yards. Flip your concentration from the physical body to the distant image of you and back again. Try to flip back and forth with your mind, with your concentration as fast as possible. If you find it tiring, stop for a moment. In seeing images in this way, you establish the idea of you out there and you in here at the same time. It helps you to create an ever-expanding realization and as your comprehension grows you melt the boundary. That boundary between world ends and your ego self, personality subconscious mind begins. Additionally silencing ego’s chatter will help. As you take a more galactic perspective eventually the boundary between you and the universe goes. And you are infinite and in a constant dialogue from everything coming at you from other dimensions and the outside world. 
In the ego’s terminology it is very important to its security to define itself as separate from others. Different from equals special. 
Theory: if you hold your breath and blank your mind simultaneously, your subtle energy instantly expands to the very reaches of the universe and twangs back in the splittiest nanosecond. 
Expansion of self: Begin to embrace the physical infinity. Become larger than life in your feelings. Not more important or more glamorous than others, just bigger, and grateful and humble and silently big. An expansion of self that is already infinite and expanding. Much like our universe expanding as galaxies move away from each other creating more space in-between themselves. Like dots on a balloon. The more air in the balloon, the further away the dots. That’s how you have a space that is expanding. Your infinite self is expanding in the same way as the universe as you develop more space for it in your life. Free self from ego as center of everything to the idea of infinite self that incorporates everything. There is a difference of thinking yourself as the center of everything and becoming everything. 
TAPES: INFINITE SELF 33 STEPS TO RECLAIMING YOUR INNER POWER. Delve into the symbol and put it into the context of your life. 
Fritz Pulse came up with a method for delving in gestalt therapy work that explains external symbols in the waking state and internal symbols in dreams and revelry. 
Interpretation of dreams: Go back into dream and analyze each symbol one at a time to see what they mean to you – not right after the dream because the dream takes place at a low level of brain speed and it comes from the subconscious, so you can’t properly translate via the waking brain whose speed will be somewhere between 14-22 cycles per seconds. And you can’t engage the intellect for it doesn’t usually know what the subconscious means by a particular symbol.
Write it down, wait for quiet time – meditation or relaxing, you will be able to access subconscious mind more readily. 
Famous pearls interpretation: man walking with fishing rod over his shoulder. Walks under a bridge then various things happen in dream.
Act out dream in minds eye – first as man as he walks,
“I am the man in Harry’s dream.” I feel_____ (wait for the character in the dream to tell you how he feels. What does he symbolize” You go back to the character and ask him – what do you symbolize, or how do you feel? The man then goes on to say, “I am going to the river because______(deep from subconscious mind comes the answer. “Because I want to discover myself” Because I hear the river is full of abundance, and I need abundance in my life” whatever the character answers will teach you things about yourself, so you wait for this answer. 
So you are in a play with a character on one hand and you, your intellect on the other. Then you ask the character what does the river symbolize or what does he symbolize and he will say I symbolize or mean________(and then as he talks to you he tells you and the answer comes from the subconscious). 
Once you figure out symbology of the man, you travel through the other main symbols.
Take the part of the fishing rod – make it so rod can speak and it comes to life.
I am the fishing rod in Harry’s dream. I represent______ (it talks to you) for example “I represent direct action, or I represent ability to bend to circumstances. 
Suddenly you remember that the fishing rod whacked the bridge as the man was walking under and it bend, and you realize that you are perhaps a little too stiff with certain matters in your life and your subconscious is saying “Hey bend, or you’ll whack your head. 
Go through each symbol – bridge, river etc. and each component talks to you and gives you the total story. Each symbol and each action is a word in the sentence or in the paragraph that theta subconscious is trying to impart to you. 
Analyzing your dreams helps you understand the circumstances of your life and your visions. 
External symbols may represent recent incidents or may reflect subconscious self. Both are possible.  Example see leaves fall from tree and a squirrel gathers them up and carries them off. It symbolizes thoughts you have been having over last few weeks about how you should collect your debts organize life and clean out your basement. Sometimes external action. If no clue then write down what squirrel did with leaves and later in meditation and go to subconscious, slow down and pick out the symbols – critter, leaves, trees, one at time in the same dream interpretation and have it talk to you. 
After delving into symbol, put into context of your life. Ask yourself, “What was I thinking a second before the leaves blew down from the tree and the squirrel appeared?” Or “What has been the overall question in my mind lately?” 
Begin to claim your power – mind, feelings, emotions, metaphysical energy, intuition and ESP, begin to exercise their perception – demand that is there for you! 
Prior to telephoning someone, visualize his or her home. See if you can pick them up in your feelings. See if feelings tell you if they are there. Trick is to see friend as a feeling, not as a physical person. We remember people by character and the feeling that came from that character. Look for the feeling. See if the feeling is at the location that you want to telephone. Can you feel them at home or not? Then call to see if you are accurate. Ask questions of your inner power –establish a nonlogical link to higher perception and inner knowing. With it you can perceive what is unperceiveable. Expect to be right. 
When a person is talking to you, try to reach out to touch them with your feelings – visualize yourself with a long arm and pulling back towards you a molecule of that person’s heart –a molecule of their feelings for you to perceive and comprehend and understand. Mentally ask – how does this molecule feel? It will tell you overall how this person’s overall emotion – may be different from their words. What is subtle of communication here – truthful, not, reasonable or flaky. Where is this person? 
Energy collection process: 
Everything emits a feeling and has an identity. A thumbprint of energy. A building has a feeling because emotions and energy were put into it when it was being built. People have feelings about the building – like, don’t like, work there, don’t.  It takes on a personality a character with the energy with which it is imbued. So as you walk around everyday, ask, “How does this thing in front of me feel?” Push out your feelings into people and things and situations. It’s nothing more than grabbing a bit of energy as described. Or think of person or thing, and suck back to your heart a bit of the energy. 
See yourself with a ray of light going out from you. Imagine a hook on the end. It goes out grabs things and goes back to you for you to examine. Birds, buildings, someone new, nun on a skateboard. Sit on bench on shopping mall. Try not to look at people in too much detail – ignore visual picture. 
As you enter your sensuality, sensitivity and feeling, you instantly become bigger in your energy. The universe responds to you; it trains you and shows you things you don’t already know. Then, when you ask a friend “Were you in the bowling alley yesterday at 3:00 because I saw you in my feelings” It doesn’t matter if you are wrong in the beginning. 
Going past the discomfort of being wrong is how you train yourself to be right.
Communicating with the spirit is not difficult – it’s a matter of opening up the chakras and pulling up energy through the crown. Go past the inhibition of being wrong. 
Meditate each day to open yourself up. 

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